About Us
Our intimate knowledge and experience of the energy and process industries helps us navigate and deliver on specific project requirements. So, whether you’re a company looking to fill temporary or permanent positions, or you’re a jobseeker, we can help you.
We manage every aspect of
the recruitment process.
We’ve built up a reliable network and honed a multi-disciplinary approach for sourcing and recruiting the right candidates. We offer our clients total resourcing support, which removes the hassle from your to-do list, saving you time and money sifting through candidate applications.
We can deliver high-volume project resourcing or single assignment headhunting. Our recruitment approach is entirely dependent on your project needs.
We pride ourselves on our communication skills and commitment to the end product. Our straightforward and direct approach means you’ll receive complete transparency with any member of our team. If we think it’ll be challenging to fill a position, we’ll tell you, but we won’t stop trying until we find the right person for the job.

We build relationships with our jobseekers
We make it a priority to get to know each of our jobseekers individually, without doing so, how will we find the best-fit job for you?
We only hire personable, friendly and approachable recruiters, so you’re in safe hands with our lot. We love matching the right people to the right job - it’s not just about skills and experience; it’s about personality, too. You need to be placed on a project you’ll enjoy, and matchmaking is our speciality.
We’re always on the lookout for a suitably qualified and experienced person (SQEP), so if that sounds like you, upload your CV today