The Government plans to shut down all coal-fired power stations by 2025. And at Power People, we’ve supported major outages on many coal-fired power stations across the UK. But technology has moved on now and coal is no longer a big player - particularly in the UK and the European Union.
It’s not environmentally friendly, in fact, its long-term impact directly affects global warming. So it’s easy to understand why this sector is embracing change.
At Power People, we support and embrace environmentally-friendly energy sectors. But it’s not all bad news for workers in the coal industry. Most of the trades and project teams from the coal industry are able to use their transferable skills elsewhere, and are now operating effectively in other power generation sectors - from shift engineers to maintenance technicians.
How we can help you
We specialise in placing the right candidates in the energy and process industries, and that includes sourcing people with skills that complement other energy sectors. We understand the skillset and experience you require for your projects, and we know how to locate the best people for the job.
We’ve built on our extensive network over 20-plus years and the first-hand experience of working in the energy and process companies ourselves, we’re best placed to source top-tier candidates.